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[[underlined]] Smithsonian Science Information Exchange [[/underlined]]

Mr. Ripley introduced the following report:

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Office of Management and Budget letters to the Smithsonian Institution and to the Department of Commerce dated October 29, 1979, provided formal confirmation of the transfer of responsibility for the Exchange to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) of the Department of Commerce. The letters state that an index of current Federal R&D projects is an important management function which should be performed by the Federal Government. Accordingly, OMB has requested the Secretary of Commerce to start actions which will permit NTIS to begin operating this index in FY 1981. In the interim period funds were obtained in their FY 1980 budget to permit Commerce to enter into a contract with SSIE. This contract will be terminated at the end of FY 1980 at which time NTIS will begin to perform the function inhouse.

OMB further advised that in the course of their review they gave serious consideration to the proposal made by the Institution that legislation be introduced which would permit SSIE employees to retain their personnel benefits. In their study of similar actions which have taken place, some of which were congressionally mandated, OMB found no precedent for the retention of benefits. OMB, however, has asked Commerce to consider staffing the new function with as many SSIE personnel as possible and has urged Commerce to seek authority from the Office of Personnel Management which permits qualified persons to be offered non-competitive positions as Federal employees.

The letter to the Department of Commerce requests that a study of the integration of the NTIS and the SSIE be conducted during FY 1980 and that further, bearing in mind the President's desire to curb the size of