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Suitland (Including Museum Support Center)

Property and facilities have been acquired and constructed at Suitland since 1958 to provide collections storage, conservation, restoration and exhibits fabrication support principally to the Mall museum operations of the National air and Space Museum, National Museum of Natural History, and the National Museum of History and Technology.

[[table, 5 columns]]
 |   |   | [[underlined]] ACQUISITION
LOCATION | SIZE | DATE | TYPE | COST [[/underlined]]

Suitland Federal | 21 acres | 1958-59 | Transfer | Construction
Center South, |  | 1958-1974
between Suitland | NASM 212,000 sq. ft. | |  approximately
Parkway and | NMHT 76,000 sq.ft. |  | $1,500,000
Silver Hill Rd., | NMNH  20,000 sq.ft.
at Silver Hill, | Support [[underlined]] 4,000 sq.ft. [[/underlined]]
Md. | Total 312,000 sq.ft.
 | 82 acres | 1975-78 | Transfer | None
 | [[underlined]] Museum Support Center [[/underlined]] |  | $21,500,000
 | Collections 144,000 sq.ft.
 | Staff 57,000 sq.ft.
 | Laboratory [[underlined]] 42,000 sq.ft. [[/underlined]]
 | Net Total 243,000 sq.ft. [[/table]]

[[underlined]] Major Repairs, Renovations, or Improvements [[/underlined]]

Since 1974, approximately $450,000 federal funds and $148,000 nonappropriated trust funds have been used for repairs and improvements.

Starting in FY 1981 with a request of $250,000, emphasis will be given to alleviating potentially hazardous conditions at a number of buildings caused by exposed asbestos insulation.  This condition is occasioned by the movement of collections and the expansion and contraction of metal walls and roofs.  Some asbestos containment work has been accomplished with in-house staff, but a major effort is needed.  This and other repair and improvement items are expected to require about $2,2000,000 for completion during the next five years.