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employment. While it found no evidence of conscious discrimination, the Committee did note that, though under-representation may stem in part from the nature of the Institution's professions, better levels of minority representation may well result from more aggressive recruitment in the future. The Committee was satisfied that the Institution is now undertaking intensified efforts at recruiting, upward mobility, and cooperative education, and it is operating a fair and impartial complaint system.

The Audit and Review committee therefore recommended that the Board of Regents adopt the following resolution:

VOTED, that the Board of Regents lends its full support to the Institution's intensified efforts and encourages and directs the management of the Institution to take all possible steps to ensure equal opportunity within the Smithsonian, and to the Board of Regents as to progress made in the area of equal opportunity within the Smithsonian Institution.

The Audit and Review Committee next toured the facilities of the Belmont Conference Center with its Director, Mrs. Mary Force, and staff. With the Committee reconvened, Mr. Hohenlohe recounted the acquisition of Belmont by the Smithsonian, capital expenditures over the years, and a recent appraisal of the total value of Belmont. Mr. Griesel spoke about current operations of Belmont, citing deficits in operations which appear to be inevitable in a conference center of this size and style. Efforts to increase bookings were reviewed, and it was seen that expansion of the facility would not be in the best interests of either the Institution or Belmont itself.