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been revised; the original budget is shown on Schedule C.  The net change for [[underlined]] Unrestricted General Trust Funds [[/underlined]] is a projected deficit for the year of ($73,000) compared to an original break-even budget.  The detail of this change is as follows:

[[2 column table]]
[[underlined]] Income - | Projection Compared to Budget [[/underlined]]

-Investments - Short-term interest rates continue to increase, and yield from current funds invested in short-term instruments is anticipated to increase from $1,300,000 to $1,500.000. | +$200,000

- Auxiliary Activities (Schedule F)

°Magazine - An additional net gain of $100,000 for a total of $5,600.000 is expected due primarily to strong sales of advertising space. | +$100,000

°Associates Programs - Net revenues from both National and Resident Programs are improved due to donations from Contributing Associates and increased membership rates. | +$125,000

°Museum Shops and Mail Order Division - Much higher than anticipated response to the fall and spring catalogues as well as strong sales in the Museum Shops should provide a net gain of $575,000 for the year. | +$353,000

°Division of Performing Arts - As presented in the January 1980 financial report, continued additional expenses necessary to production of records and other programs have contributed to a further decline in net revenues. | -$493,000

°SI Press - Sales by mail to Associates of the Abrams NASM book as well as the Smithsonian [[underlined]] Comics [[/underlined]] book provide a larger margin here, although not as favorable as expected in January. | +$160,000

°Exposition Books - Response to mailings on [[underlined]] The American Land [[/underlined]] have been lower than originally expected, and returns on the [[underlined]] American Presidency [[/underlined]] book are similarly anticipated to produce lower sales than budgeted.  This, together with increased publication costs, have necessitated a substantial downward projection of net revenues from $715,000 to $105,000. | -$610,000