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[[underlined]] Policy on Public and Congressional Information [[underlined]]

Mr. Ripley noted that at their meeting in May 1979, the Regents discussed alternatives available to them to make certain that the public and the Congress are being kept fully informed on the matters coming to the Board's attention.  The Regents affirmed the various ways in which these goals would be met, including holding news briefings following each meeting, distributing a written summary to the press and the Congress soon after the meetings, and forwarding complete minutes of the meetings to the chairmen of the Smithsonian's committees in the Congress.  It was further agreed at the time that the Regents would "review this policy in one year to determine whether it is, in fact, meeting the public's legitimate need to be informed."

Over the past year the staff has followed the guidance given by the Regents to carry out their objective of full disclosure to the public and the Congress.  Reactions from the press and the Congress indicated that this objective has been achieved and pressures for "open meetings" of the Board have declined significantly.  Extending the current policy, the following motion was adopted by the Regents:

VOTED that, pursuant to their resolution of May 7, 1979, the Regents reaffirmed their continuing desire for openness and full disclosure to the public and the Congress and their interest in insuring the timely release of information on Regents' actions.  This policy shall endure, and shall be implemented by such means as briefings by the Secretary or Under Secretary for interested members of the press following each meeting; the distribution of a written summary of the proceedings, soon after each meeting to interested Members of Congress; and as soon as practicable, the mailing of the full minutes of the meetings to the cognizant Congressional committees.

The Secretary announced that reporters from the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Washington Star, and the UPI and AP wire services have been invited to a press briefing following the Regents meeting at 1:30 p.m.  The Under Secretary and the Assistant Secretary for Administration are to preside.