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[[3 column table]]

Smithsonian Funds Used | Matching Funds and Objects Contributed | Smithsonian Funds Remaining

$360,500 | $35,000 | $639,500
368,000 | 505,694 | 632,000
1,154,000* | 608,200 | -0-
100,000 | 18,000 | 400,000
140,000 |  | 360,000
[[underlined]]1,000,000 |  | -0-[[/underlined]]

$3,122,500 | $1,166,894 | $$2,031,500

*The National Collection of Fine Arts was authorized to exceed its allotted amount with the understanding that an adjustment would be made in the future and that the total program expenditures in the first five years would not exceed the five million dollars authorized.