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At their January 18, 1980 meeting, the Regents voted to award the Joseph Henry Medal to Dr. Gordon Ray, the Chairman of the Smithsonian Council.  On behalf of the Regents the Secretary presented the medal to Dr. Ray, along with the following citation:

The Board of Regents and
the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution
present to
in recognition of his important contributions
to the Smithsonian Institution
as Chairman of the Smithsonian Council from 1970.
His distinguished leadership
has added a singular dimension to its value
as an independent forum to create
constructive counsel on the Institution's progress
in advancing knowledge and public education
in art, history, and science.

Accepting the medal, Dr. Ray spoke briefly about the history and significance of the Council since its founding in 1966.

[[underlined]] Secretary's Schedule [[/underlined]]

The Secretary reminded the Regents that he plans to travel to China and Tibet to present a scientific paper and conduct a field expedition, leaving May 20 and returning after June.

[[underlined]] Next Meetings [[/underlined]]
Executive Committee  August 19, 1980, 12:30 p.m.
Regents Dinner       September 21, 1980
Regents Meeting      September 22, 1980, 9:30 a.m.

[[underlined]] Adjournment [[/underlined]]

The Regents meeting adjourned at 11:40 am. and was followe dby an informal luncheon.

Respectfully submitted
^[[Phyllis S. Hughes, Acting for]]
S. Dillon Riply