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On advice from the Office of Management and Budget the Smithsonian will submit a $25 million Quadrangle construction request within the FY 1982 OMB submission. Provided with a draft bill, the Regents approved the following motion:

VOTED that the Board of Regents requests its Congressional members to introduce and support legislation authorizing construction of the Quadrangle project. 

[[underlined]] Change in Procedures for Collections of the NCFA and NPG Commissions [[/underlined]]

The procedures for acquisitions and dispositions of works at the National Collection of Fine Arts and the National Portrait Gallery were reviewed and recommendations of revisions are being made. Pending revised bylaws of the respective commissions, the Regents delegated such authority to the Secretary by approving the following motion:

VOTED that the Board of Regents delegates to the Secretary authority for approving accessions and disposition of works of art for the National Collection of Fine Arts and the National Portrait Gallery, in accord with policies and procedures laid down by the Board of Regents, and requests the Commissions to submit revised bylaws to the Board's January 1981 meeting. 

[[underlined]] Naming the National Air and Space Museum Theater for S. P. Langley [[/underlined]]

The Secretary suggested naming the theater in the NASM for the third Secretary of the Smithsonian, Samuel Pierpont Langley (1834-1906), the noted astrophysicist and aeronautical experimenter who was a major force in shaping the course of the Institution in the twentieth century. It was

VOTED that the Board of Regents, recognizing the manifold contributions of Secretary Langley to the Smithsonian and to the fields of astrophysics and aeronautics, designates the theater in the National Air and Space Museum as the Samuel Pierpont Langley Theater. 

[[underlined]] Acquisition of Land at Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies [[/underlined]]

The Secretary reported that the Smithsonian received an offer to purchase a 20-acre tract formerly intended for a housing development (Mill Swamp Estates) adjacent to the CBCES. The advantages of the purchase were outlined, and it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to negotiate for the purchase of Mill Swamp Estates, to acquire approximately 20 acres of land at a cost not to exceed $90,000.