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[[underlined]] Amendment to the Bylaws: Regents Emeritus, Section 2.08 [[/underlined]]

Mr. Webb recalled that at their May 5, 1980 meeting, the Regents approved designating as Regents Emeritus those former Regents who would accept responsibilities for continuing activities in the interests of the Smithsonian. The Secretary reports that he has received enthusiastic acceptances from all of those designated.

As Mr. Webb had reported to the Regents on May 5, the Executive Committee suggested that the Bylaws of the Board of Regents be amended to reflect this new category of relationship to the Board. Accordingly, the Board of Regents approved the following motion:

VOTED that, in accordance with the Section 1.02 of the Bylaws, the Board of Regents hereby amends its Bylaws to include a new Section 2.08, to wit:

The Board of Regents may, by resolution, confer the title of Regent Emeritus on former Regents who accept responsibilities for continuing activities in the interests of the Smithsonian Institution.