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VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the budget of the non-appropriated funds for fiscal year 1981 as presented, and authorizes expenditures by the Secretary in accordance therewith; any material changes in program plans incorporated in the budget, together with any changes of more than 10% or $250,000 in any general unrestricted fund line item or in the total administrative expenditures, shall be made only with the approval of the Board of Regents or its Executive Committee.

[[underlined]] FY 1982 - Budget (Schedule E) [[/underlined]]

Approval of the Regents is also requested for submission of the FY 1982 budget to the Office of Management and Budget.  As in prior years, preliminary 1982 non-appropriated trust fund estimates will be submitted together with the federal request, but those figures will, of course, be subject to change based on the budget review next spring.  The overall budget projects gross income for operating purposes, both Federal and Trust, of $258,335,000, compared to $226,340,000 in FY 1981, or [[underlined]] net [[/underlined]] operating income, after auxiliary activity expenses, of $178,556,000 in FY 1982, compared to $153,143,000 in FY 1981.

--[[underlined]] Federal Appropriations [[/underlined]]:  The Institution's Federal request for FY 1982 totals $188,365,000, as compared to our House mark of $133,817,000.  This request, which incorporates several months of review and analysis at all management levels, is distributed as follows:

[[3 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]]

[[funds]] | FY 1981 House Mark | FY 1882 OMB Request

Salaries and Expenses | $118,838 | $142,580
Spec. Foreign Currency Pgm. | 3,650 | 5,500

National Zoological Park | 3,290 | 7,150
Restoration & Renov. of Bldgs. | 8,039 | 8,500
South Quadrangle | [[underlined]] -0- | 24,635 [[/underlined]]
[[totals]] | $133,817 | $188,365