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OMB has provided the Institution with a planning target for FY 1982 of $153,272,000.  Within this target, the Institution has requested additional funding of some $13.3 million in the Salaries and Expenses account, including some $5.4 million for inflationary costs in utilities, pay, and other objects of expenses; $1.7 for equipment and operating costs associated with the Museum Support Center; and $6.2 million for various program needs of which exhibitions and performances (including an amount of $500,000 related to Native American exhibits) have been ranked as highest priority.  Also of high priority in the FY 1982 request is research, which is presently anticipated to include an amount for either a research awards program or an alternative special research programs component.  The total amounts requested for the Restoration and Renovation of Buildings account and the National Zoological Park Construction account are also requested within target.  These funds will allow for continuation of Master Plan Development at the Zoo and for the accomplishment of important repairs, renovations, and improvements throughout the Institution's facilities, with a major portion of the funds being designated for facade, roof and terrace repairs, and repairs and improvements to utility systems.  Although the Foreign Currency Program request for $5.5 million is also within target, OMB does not require that it be ranked competitively with other appropriations.  Of the $5.5 million request, $3.5 million will be applied to the grants program, $1.0 million will be applied to the international effort to preserve Moenjodaro (deleted at the Smithsonian's initiative from the FY 1980 Congressional request), and $1.0 million will be applied to increasing the forward-funded reserve in support of future programs of the AIIS.