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($1,000's)   Source & Application of Funds   Schedule E
Estimate FY 1982
(Excluding Foreign Currency Program)

[[ruled table, 7 columns]]
|  |  |   | Unrest. Trust Funds |   |
[[double-underlined]] OPERATING FUNDS [[/double-underlined]] | Federal Approps. | Federal Gr. & Cont. | General | Sp. Purp. | Trust Fds. | Op. Funds

[[underlined]] Funds Provided: [[/underlined]]
Federal Appropriation | 142,580 | - | - | - | - | 142,580
Investments | - | - | 2,500 | 397 | 2,650 | 5,547
Gifts, Grants & Contracts | - | 17,281 | 50 | 50 | 1,800 | 19,181
Self-generated - Gross Rev.
Auxiliary Acts. (Sched. F) | - | - | 86,560 | - | - | 86,560
Bureaux (Sched. G) | - | - | - | 2,910 | - | 2,910
Other Misc. | - | - | 50 | 657 | 850 | 1,557
Total Income | 142,580 | 17,281 | 89,160 | 4,014 | 5,300 | 258,335
Less Expenses - Self Gener.
Auxiliary Acts. (Sched. F) | - | - | (77,526) | - | - | (77,526)
Bureaux (Sched. G) | - | - | - | (2,253) | - | - | (2,253)
Net Funds Provided | 142,580 | 17,281 | 11,634 | 1,761 | 5,300 | 178,556

[[underlined]] Funds Applied: [[/underlined]] (Net)
Science | 43,308 | 17,066 | 3,141 | 975 | 1,339 | 65,829
Less: SAO O/H Recovery | - | - | (2,892) | - | - | (2,892)
History & Art | 20,314 | 25 | 635 | 587 | 3,119 | 24,680
Public Service | 2,588 | 15 | 778 | - | 25 | 3,406
Museum Programs | 9,876 | 25 | 278 | 2 | 10 | 10,191
Special Programs | 18,999 | 150 | 1,369 | 3,221 | 78 | 23,817
Associates Pgms/Bus.Mgmt. | - | - | 285 | - | - | 285
Administration - SI | 12,161* | - | 5,797 | 36 | 72 | 18,066
Less:  SI OH Recovery | - | - | (5,200) | - | - | (5,200)
Facilities Services | 35,334 | - | 964 | - | - | 36,298
Total Funds Applied | [[double-underlined]] 142,580 | 17,281 | 5,155 | 4,821 | 4,643 | 174,480 [[/double-underlined]]

[[underlined]] Transfers: [[/underlined]] Out (In)
Current Funds
-Bureau Revenue Sharing | - | - | 349 | (349) | - | -
-NASM Theatre | - | - | (300) | 300 | - | -
-Fellowships | - | - | 1,041 | (1,041) | - | -
-Special Programs | - | - | 2,200 | (2,200) | - | -
-Smithson Society | - | - | 150 | (150) | - | -
Plant Funds | - | - | 1,050 | 25 | - | 1,075
Endowment Funds | - | - | 2,021 | - | 100 | 2,121
Total Transfers |[[double-underlined]] - | - | 6,511 | (3,415) | 100 | 3,196 [[/double-underlined]]
[[underlined]] Change in Fund Balance [[/underlined]] | - | - | (32) | 355 | 557 | 880
[[underlined]] Ending Fund Balance [[/underlined]] | [[double-underlined]] -0- | -0- | 5,037 | 9,913 | 4,390 | 19,340 [[/double-underlined]] [[/table]]

[[table, 3 columns]]
[[underlined]] CONSTRUCTION/PLANT FUNDS | Federal Appropriations | Nonfederal Funds [[/underlined]]
National Zoological Park | 7,150 | -
Restoration and Renovation of Bldgs. | 8,500 | -
South Quadrangle | 24,635 | 1,000
Chesapeake Bay Center Land Acquisition | - | 50
Museum of African Art Mortgage Payments | [[underlined]] - | 25 [[/underlined]]
 | [[double-underlined]] 40,285 | 1,075 [[/double-underlined]] [[/table]]

*Includes an amount of $1,500 thousand for necessary pay and $1,700 thousand for inflation which have not been distributed by unit.