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-59- At their meeting on July 3, 1980, the National Portrait Gallery Commission considered this whole matter and voted unanimously and enthusiastically to recommend to the Board of Regents that the Smithsonian proceed along the lines suggested by the Meserve Trustees and Executors. The Commission agreed to earmark the necessary funds from the NPG's annual acquisition appropriation for this purpose. An Agreement has now been drafted (copy attached) which pledges the Smithsonian's best efforts to secure passage of a Private Bill (copy attached) and pledges payments not to exceed $560,000 over a five-year period, subject to the availability of appropriated funds. The National Portrait Gallery Commission recommended that the Board of Regents approve this Agreement and the introduction of the legislation, and the Regents adopted the following notion; VOTED that, for the purpose of acquiring the Meserve Collection in the National Portrait Gallery, the Board of Regents approves the Agreement dated October 1, 1980 and requests the Congressional Members of the Board to introduce and support legislation for the relief of the estate of Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt.