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[[underlined]] DRAFT [[underlined]] -60- (Private Bill) For the relief of the estate of Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt. [[underlined]]Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. [[underlined]] That upon delivery within thirty days following the enactment of this Act to the Smthsonian Institution by the trustees of the Dorothy Meserve Knuhardt Trust, and the executors of the estate of Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt, of the title to, ownership, and possession of the collection of approximately 7,250 Mathew Brady glassplate negatives and the Alexander Gardner imperial portrait print of Abraham Lincoln, the said estate shall be entitled to a credit against its obligation for federal estate tax, effective as of the dat upon which the return was due to be filed, in an amount equal to the tax payable by the estate, but not to exceed $1,260,000.