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[[underlined]] UNRESTRICTED TRUST FUNDS [[/underlined]] 


[[5 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]]

[[funds]] | FY 1982 Gross | FY 1982 Net | FY 1986 Gross | FY 1986 Net 
Investments | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,675 | $2,675 
Gifts & Miscellaneous | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 

Auxiliary activities:
Associates - Magazine | 42,834 | 5,829 | 62,738 | 5,500
 - Other | 12,106 | 100 | 16,239 | 924
Shops | 9,940 | 625 | 11,975 | 725
Mail Order | 8,125 | 300 | 10,100 | 420
Concessions | 1,547 | 1,375 | 1,750 | 1,535
Parking | 1,273 | 824 | 1,300 | 720
All Other
-Performing Arts | 4,000 | 200 | 4,800 |500
-Photographic Sales | 184 | - | 223 | -
-SI Press | 914 | (10) | 1,339 | 48
-SITES | 1,153 | (159) | 1,688 | (50)
-Exposition Books | 3,956 | 240 | 5,782 | 351
-Business Office | - | (200) | - | (260)
-Belmont | [[underlined]]371 | (90) | - | - [[/underlined]]

Total Unrestricted Income | $89,003 | $11,634 | $120,709 | $13,188

If realized, the unrestricted trust fund net income from these activities, which provide educational and other services to the public, will make possible continuation of:

(1) a $2,000,000 to $2,500,000 annual allotment for collections acquisition, scholarly studies and educational outreach;

(2) the annual transfer of $2,000,000 to unrestricted endowment:

(3) operating allotments to Cooper-Hewitt, the Folklife unit, the Office of Telecommunications, the Visitors Reception Center, the Fellowship Programs, Fluid Research Grants, and the one-time purchase in FY 1982 of special equipment for the Museum Support Center conservation training and treatment laboratories.

Also, provision is made for an additional amount of $6,000,000 from FY 1982 to FY 1986 towards construction of the Quadrangle in addition to funds to be raised from outside sources and federal appropriations.