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-73- Net income from Special Purpose Funds (primarily the NASM theaters, Cooper-Hewitt and Museum of African Art) activities will remain relatively constant over the period, as will income from restricted gifts. Endowment income to both restricted and unrestricted funds, assuming adequate investment performance, is projected to increase slightly over the period. Grants and contracts are anticipated to increase somewhat in FY 1983 because of added support to the Astrophysical Observatory from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for project work related to the space shuttle program. By 1986, however, it is expected that overall levels of institutional grant and contract activity will equal about that project for FY 1982. In addition to highlighting completion of Zoo redevelopment at Rock Creek by FY 1986, design and construction of the proposed Quadrangle project will be a chief element of the five-year construction program which, for the first time, will include major work for SAO at Mount Hopkins and the Chesapeake Bay Center at Edgewater, Maryland. A summary of major construction, restoration and renovation projects for which Federal funds will be requested is presented below.