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[[underlined]] Federal Construction, Restoration and Renovation [[/underlined]]


[[4 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]]

[[tasks]] | FY 1982: Projected in January 1980 | FY 1982: Being Submitted to OMB | Cumulative Projection Thru FY 1986

[[underlined]] Construction [[/underlined]] | | |
Quadrangle | $12,000* | $24,635 | $24,635
National Zoo | 7,770 | 7,150 | 33,070
SAO Mt. Hopkins | - | - | 3,500**
Chesapeake Bay Center | [[underlined]] - | - | 3,200** [[/underlined]]
Subtotal | $19,770 | $31,785 | $64,405

[[underlined]] Restoration & Renovation [[/underlined]] | | |
General Repairs | $ 1,205 | $ 845 | $ 5,205
Fire | 1,380 | 750 | 4,675
Disabled, Safety & Security | 450 | 980 | 6,295
Facade, Roof & Terrace | 3,570 | 2,965 | 17,230
Utility Systems | 2,500 | 2,260 | 13,210
Other Projects | [[underlined]] 2,857 | 700 | 6,185 [[/underlined]]
Subtotal | $11,962 | $4 8,500 | $52,800

Grand Total | $31,732 | $40,285 | $117,205

[[/4 column table]]

* The earlier projection was an estimate of necessary obligation authority.  The FY 1982 OMB request of $24,635,000 for construction represents the total appropriation amount required for this project.  The balance of about $25,000,000 will be funded from nonappropriated trust funds, gifts, and donations.

** It is anticipated that authorization will be sought and funding will be requested as a construction line item; $3,500,000 for SAO for more accessible base camp support and other facility needs in FY 1984, and $3,200,000 for the Bay Center for staff and laboratory space in CFY 1986.  Design funding for each may be required earlier ($300,000 in FY 1983 and $280,000 in FY 1985).

An invitation for construction bids was issued on July 28 for the Museum Support Center, and it is expected that a construction contract will be awarded by the GSA on October 1, 1980.  It is anticipated that construction of the Museum Support Center can begin in November 1980 and that it will be completed in approximately two years.

An amount of $24,635,000 will be included in the FY 1982 OMB budget request as the federal portion for construction of the Quadrangle project.