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[[underlined]]Policy on the Use of Smithsonian Facilities (Office Memorandum 724)[[/underlined]]

Over the years the facilities of the Smithsonian Institution have attracted not only millions of visitors but also thousands of requests, from inside and outside alike, to use the facilities for special events, such as meetings, lectures, films, receptions, dinners, etc. In the last two or three years an increase in frequency of such requests, coupled with the Institution's growing awareness of the potential liabilities for such uses, has led the Smithsonian to refine its policy and to define more clearly the restrictions on the use of the facilities. Under the new guidelines, an acceptable special event must have a direct relationship to eight Smithsonian program and must be sponsored or co-sponsored by eight Smithsonian organization unit.

The new policy, issued as Office Memorandum 724, is attached for the Regents' information.