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OM 724 (rev) 



a. [[underlined]] Smithsonian-sponsored and internal events. [[/underlined]] For Smithsonian events not associated with an outside organization, the building director will provide the basis for tentative approval or firm disapproval and then complete Part II of the SI-600.  The building director will retain one copy, send one cope to the Office of Special Events (OSE), whether approved or disapproved, and turn over the remaining copies to the assigned event coordinator for action.

b. [[underlined]] Cosponsored events. [[/underlined]] The building director develops the basis for approval or disapproval for these events and makes his/her conclusion known to the Director, Office of Special Events (OSE).  Only if the conformity of the event with the guidelines is unclear or there is disagreement  among those concerned, need the matter be referred to the Facilities Committee.  Otherwise the building director will complete Part II of the SI-600.  The building director will retain one copy, send one copy to OSE accompanied by form SI-724, and turn over the remaining copies to the the assigned event coordinator for action.  After its request is approved or disapproved, it is the responsibility of the cosponsoring Smithsonian unit to notify in writing the outside sponsoring group.

When the Facilities Committee becomes involved, subsequent steps will follow the Committee's decision.

NOTE: Requests from outside organizations to use facilities, in conjunction with Smithsonian cosponsored events, for [[underlined]] theatrical productions, concerts, or dance recitals [[/underlined]] must be coordinated with the Director, OSE and the Director, Division of Performing Arts.  [[symbol left margin - arrow pointing right]]

c. [[underlined]] All special events. [[/underlined]] The recipients of the SI-600 copies will review scheduling, requirements, and other facets of an event and inform the building director of concurrence or nonconcurrence within five working days.

[[symbol in left margin - right arrow]] For all special events, the building director's decision (after consultation and approval by OSE and the Facilities Committee, if involved, for cosponsored events) becomes final after five working days unless the building director is notified in the interim by other SI-600 recipients of any special circumstances.

2. COORDINATION BETWEEN EVENT COORDINATOR AND OSE. The event coordinator is designated bu the appropriate building director and has the primary responsibility for coordinating an event.  The Office of Special Events (OSE) is available to support events involving the Smithsonian Building and other events which are of such a nature as to require its support.  In these cases, the extent of support shall be determined by consultation between the event coordinator and OSE.

[[symbol right arrow]] a. Invitations, guest lists, menus, etc, [[/underlined]] Invitation copy and guest lists will be sent to OSE for review before printing or mailing.  Copies of competitive menus and bids should be sent to OSE for information as they are received.

[[symbol - right arrow]]