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CM 724 (rev)

Exhibit A

[[underlined]]Billing.[[/underlined]]  After an event, the Accounting Office will send an invoice to the group's treasurer or other designated representative.

[[underlined]]Late cancellation charge.[[/underlined]]  If notice of cancellation is not received by the appropriate building manager and the Office of Protection Services three working days prior to the event, a charge of 25 percent of the established service charge for the facility will be made.  In addition, for all cancelled events, whether notice of cancellation is late or on time, any direct event-related costs incurred in preparing for the event will be charged.

[[underlined]]Charges for labor.[[/underlined]]  Should Smithsonian support staff be desired or required during an event, the actual cost of their time will be charged.  Should additional preparations be required, the actual hours worked will be charged.  The charges for more common types of additional labor are as follows:

[[3 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]]

Type of Service | Regular Rate Per Hour | Overtime Rate Per Hour

[[image-left arrow in right margin]]
Audiovisual | $35.00 | $35.00
Custodial | $ 9.25 | $13.50
Guard | None | $15.00
Mechanic | $12.00 | $15.50
[[image-left arrow in right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
change ore required to: or required