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only a few hundred thousand dollars each year, are used for the general operations of the receiving bureaus.  A second designation is for improvements to the physical plant or land acquisitions, such as for the projected Garden for the Handicapped.  Finally, funds permitting, the Institution makes an annual transfer to its endowment for the purpose of providing income for rising costs in future years.

The other source of nonappropriated funding, federal grants and contracts, is made available to the Smithsonian by governmental agencies and departments to support specific types of research, educational or other projects which the Smithsonian can undertake as a result of its expertise or its ability to respond quickly to certain kinds of needs.

[[underlined]] Tables 1 and 2. [[/underlined]]  Table 1 contains general levels of dollar resources (or revenues) from various sources which the Institution projects will be necessary for the conduct of its operations.  In a summary fashion, it incorporates estimates for inflation and pay increases associated with federal and trust operations of the Institution.  Table 2 projects expenses by functional area of operation (Science, History and Art, etc.) along with the application of trust funds to such items as plant improvements, endowments, and special activities such as the Collection Acquisition, Scholarly Studies, and Education Program.

[[underlined]] Tables 3 through 10. [[/underlined]]  These contain detailed expense projections for the Institution's museums, galleries, and laboratories.  For ease of presentation, expenses associated with the various administrative, financial, and support organizations of the Institution are grouped into three categories in Table 10: (1) Central Management Offices, (2) Specialized Administrative and Technical Offices, and (3) Facilities Offices.

[[underlined]] Tables 11 and 12. [[/underlined]] All major construction projects are included that are underway or being planned.  For some future projects, detailed planning and estimating remain to be done (e.g., base camp facilities at Mt. Hopkins for the Observatory) and the amounts as well as the possible sources of funding have not been fully determined.

[[underlined]] Table 13. [[/underlined]] Projections associated with equipping and operating the Museum Support Center are consolidated in Table 13 to provide a summary of resources needed for this project through FY 1986.  Equipment projections also appear in the Special Programs chapter, while operational costs are contained in the appropriate projection for bureaus and organizations in each chapter.