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appropriated support for basic exhibit, research, education, and administration activities of the museums and galleries. Most of the balance consists of resources associated with unrestricted trust operations, with only a small portion originating in federal grant and contract work. A breakdown follows:
[[table, 3 columns]]
----- | [[underlined]]FY 1980

[[underlined]] Source of Funds | Full-Time Employment | Funds $000s [[/underlined]])
Federal Salary & Expenses | 638 | $18,092
Unrestricted trust | 32 | 1,868
Restricted trust | 43 | 2,517
Federal Grants & Contracts | [[underlined]] 1 | 80 [[/underlined]]

Total | 714 | $22,557 [[/table]]

[[underlined]] Unrestricted [[/underlined]] trust fund support is concentrated primarily in the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, Collection of Fine Arts, Museum of History and Technology. 
[[underlined]] Restricted trust fund support [[/underlined]] is largely directed to the operations associated with the Freer Gallery of Art, the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, and the Archives of American Art. Only minor amounts of grant and contract work are present in the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, Museum of African Art, and Portrait Gallery.

Generally, the larger of the History and Art bureaus –– the Museum of History and Technology, the Collection of Fine Arts, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, the Portrait Gallery –– are supported predominantly with federal funds. Their exhibition, research, collections management, and building operations comprise their major expenses. Each of these museums, however, has small amounts of trust funds (at most about 7 percent of the total resources) made available by donors for specific purposes and from proprietary activities (bookstores, museum shops, cafeterias and the like) on their respective premises. These latter funds are used for a variety of program purposes.

The smaller History and Art bureaus –– the Freer Gallery of Art, Cooper-Hewitt Museum, Museum of African Art, and Archives of American Art –– work with more evenly mixed financing. Most of the Freer's principal programs are financed by the income from a restricted endowment fund established by Mr. Freer's will; federal funds support the costs of protecting and managing the collections and building, and general administration.  The Cooper-Hewitt Museum receives an annual allocation of Smithsonian unrestricted trust funds to help support its programs.  Beginning in 1979, federal funds supported a small portion of the exhibit program as well as the costs of maintaining and protecting the building and collections and a share of administrative costs.  In addition, the Cooper-Hewitt Museum raises in excess of a million dollars annually to support its exhibitions and related educational activities.  The Museum of African art raises from $150,000 to $200,000 per year from private sources to finance its higher education activities.  The Archives of American Art's Board of Trustees raises between $300,000 and $400,00 each year to support about one-third of the Archives' program.