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-13- Schedule A

Fiscal Years 1980 - 1982

[[5 column table]]

[[funding]] | FY 80 Actual (Sch. B) | FY 81 Budget (Sch. C) | FY 81 Projected (Sch. D) | FY 82 Estimated (Sch. E) 

[[underlined]]SI OPERATING FUNDS[[/underlined]]
[[underlined]]FUNDS PROVIDED:[[/underlined]]
[[underlined]]FEDERAL APPROP. - S&E[[/underlined]] | 107,764 | 117,665 | 117,665 | 130,916
[[underlined]]FEDERAL GRANTS & CONTRACTS[[/underlined]] | 12,947 | 16,384 | 16,384 | 17,281

[[underlined]]NON-APPROP. TRUST FUNDS[[/underlined]] 
Investment Income
-Unrestr. General & spec. Purpose | 2,900 | 2,639 | 2,639 | 2,947
-Restricted | 2,349 | 2,379 | 2,379 | 2,600

Gifts & Grants (Ex. Gifts to Endow.)
- Unrestr. General & Spec. Purpose 71 100 100 100
-Restricted 2,257 2,100 2,100 1,800
Self-Generated Revenues
Institutional (Gen. Unrestricted) 
-Gross Revenues 73,101 79,624 79,624 86,560
- Less Related Expenses (64,120)(71,146) (71,146) (77,526)
[[total line]] [[total line]] [[total line]] [[total line]]
- Net Income 8,981 8,478 8,478 9,034
Bureaux (Spec. Purpose)
-Gross Revenues 2,049 2,869 2,869 2,910
-Less Related Expenses (1,813) (2,051) (2,051) (2,253)
[[total line]] [[total line]] [[total line]] [[total line]]
-Net Income 236 818 818 657

Other Misc. - Unrestricted 845 607 607 707
-Restricted 733 800 800 850
[[total line]] [[total line]] [[total line]] [[total line]]

total Non-Approp. Tr. Funds - Gross 84,314 91,118 91,118 98,474
-Net of exp. of Self-Gen. Revs. 18,381 17,921 ,17,921 18,695

[[Underlined]] TOTAL ALL OPER. FUNDS PROVIDED [[/Underlined]]
-Gross 205,025 255,167 255,167 246,671
-Net 139,092 151,970 151,970 166,892
[[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]]

[[Underlined]] FUNDS APPLIED [[/Underlined]] 
Science $7,907 62,779 63,979 66,871
Less SAO Overhead Recovery (2,196) (2,646) (2,646) (2,892)
History & Art 26,224 23,434 23,434 24,779
Public Service 3,129 3,253 3,253 3,455
Museum Programs 8,974 9,776 9,776 10,136
Special Programs 3,204 9,701 9,701 12,737
Associates Pgms/Business Mgmt. 345 298 298 285
-Federal Appropriation 8,048 8,366 8,366 9,327
-Trust Funds 4,937 5,585 5,585 5,905
Less: SI Overhead Recovery (4,379) (5,000) (5,000) (5,200)
Facilities Services 30,630 33,028 33,028 36,663
[[total line]] [[total line]] [[total line]] [[total line]]

[[Underlined]] TOTAL OPERATION FUNDS APPLIED [[/Underlined]] 136,823 148,574 149,779 162,066
[[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]]

[[Underlined]] TRANSFERS [[/Underlined]] (Non-Approp. Trust Funds) 
To Plant Funds 1,342 1,325 1,325 1,825
To Endowment Funds
Unrestricted Purpose 2,031 2,021 2,021 2,021
Restricted Purpose 757 100 (700) 100
[[Total Line]] [[Total Line]] [[Total Line]] [[Total Line]]
Total transfers 4,130 3,446 2,646 3,946

[[Underlined]] CHANGE IN NON-APPROP. TRUST FUND BALANCE [[/Underlined]]
Unrest. & Special Purpose (1,636 441 441 329
Restricted (Incl. Fed. Grants & Contracts) (225) (491) (891) 551
[[Total Line]] [[Total Line]] [[Total Line]] [[Total line]]
Total (1,861) (50) (450) 880
[[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total line]]

[[Underlined]] NON-APPROP. TRUST FUNDS BALS. - END OF YEAR [[/Underlined]]
Unrestricted & Special Purpose 14,896 15,337 15,337 15,666
Restricted (Incl. Fed. Grants & Contracts) 4,675 4,184 3,784 4,735
[[Total Line]] [[Total Line]] [[Total Line]] [[Total line]]
total Operation Fund Balances 19,571 19,521 19,121 20,401
[[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total line]]

[[symbol- asterisks]]

[[Underlined]] OTHER FEDERAL APPROPRIATIONS [[/Underlined]]
-Smithsonian Science Information Exch. - - - -
-Foreign Currency Program 4,200 3,650 3,650 5,500
-Construction 32,100 15,829 15,829 39,785

[[Underlined]] TOTAL FEDERAL APPROPRIATIONS [[/Underlined]] 144,064 137,144 137,144 176,201

[[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total Line]] [[Double Total line]]
