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OMB approved the full amounts being sought by the Institution in FY 1982 to equip and operate the Museum Support Center and has given strong indication that they support the Institution's federal requirements projected for FY 1983-86. The Institution now has an FY 1981 base of $2,711,000 for Support Center equipment and $112,000 for operations. Additional requirements amount to an investment of about $14,595,000 for FY 1982-86 for equipment, and a build-up of plant and program operating resources to a level of about $4,400,000 by FY 1986 as portrayed in the [[underlined]] Prospectus. [[/underlined]]

In addition, the Institution will see $300,000 from Congress in FY 1982 for expansion of Native American programs, beginning primarily with outreach activities devoted to providing training and other museum services directly to the Indian community. Longer-range costs involved in this undertaking are still being refined and will be sought over the planning period as they relate to the upgrading of exhibits and to the potential transfer and care of a major collection now belonging to the Museum of American Indian in New York City. Early estimates and resource projections amounting to a possible request in FY 1984 of about $4,300,000 will continue to be shown in the [[underlined]] Prospectus. [[/underlined]]

The only other substantial program change from the September draft materials pertains to the National Museum of Natural History/Museum of Man. Beginning in FY 1982, an effort will be made to bring together the Institution's anthropological and humanistic activities. This has been an institutional objective for some time, dating back to the early 1970s. While the amount identified and being sought in FY 1982 is small ($125,000 for scholarly and administrative support), the task is important and the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] highlights this endeavor. At this time the program is not expected to add significantly to the Institution's resource projections over the planning period.