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Also factored into FY 1981 and the S&E trends for FY 1982-86 contained in the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] are the effects of supplementals ($5,345,000 being requested for the October 1980 legislated pay increase and $175,000 for International Exchange Service operations) and inflation amounts derived from indices provided by the Office of Management and Budget. The supplementals were submitted, as requested, to the Office of Management and Budget on November 19, 1980.

[[underlined]] Trust Funds [[/underlined]]

The only significant change in the planned application of trust funds since the distribution of the draft [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] in September 1980 relates to the recently approved $2,500,000 commitment from unrestricted funds for supplemental construction funding of the Museum Support Center in future years. Trust outlays should take place over the period of FY 1982-84 and are planned to be funded by deferring $750,000 of equipment purchases for the Conservation Analytical Laboratory until FYs 1984-85, and directing the proceeds of the planned sale of the Belmont Conference Center to the Museum Support Center rather than to further Chesapeake Bay Center land purchases. The January 26 [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] reflects this action.

No substantive changes in the planned application of restricted trust funds have occurred since September, and the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] material remains the same in this regard.

[[underlined]] Federal Grants and Contracts [[/underlined]]

No substantive changes in the outlook for institutional involvement in grant and contract work have occurred. There may be some deferral in the future in NASA's research work and projects which will affect the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's projected involvement in the space sciences, but it is too early to predict these effects with confidence, and the [[underlined]] Prospectus [[/underlined]] remains the same.