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C. The Chairman shall be, ex officio, a member of all Committees of the Commission.

D. The Vice Chairman, in the absence or disability of the Chairman, shall perform the Chairman's duties.

E. The terms of all officers and all members of the Commission shall continue until their successors are elected or appointed.

F. Following each Commission meeting, minutes shall be circulated (in draft) to members, with the request that corrections or approval of the minutes be submitted.

IV. [[underline]] COMMITTEES [[/underline]]

A. [[underline]] Accessions Committee [[/underline]]

There shall be a standing committee known as the Accessions Committee.

1. The Accessions Committee shall consist of five members to be elected annually by the Commission.

2. The Chairman of the Commission shall be the Chairman of the Accessions Committee ex officio and may appoint an Acting Chairman to preside in his absence.

3. Except for accessions which may be made by the Director under (5) below, the committee shall consider the accession of all works recommended by the Director for the collection and the deaccessioning of works of art by sale, gift, exchange or other means, and make recommendations thereon to the Commission for subsequent approval of the Secretary, (or for disposition as noted in (6) below) in accordance with policy and procedures laid down by the Board of Regents.

Between meetings of the Commission, the Accessions Committee shall have vested in it full authority to recommend to the Secretary accessions (by gift or purchase) for the collections of the National Museum of American Art. A report of such recommendations will be presented to the Commission at its next formally constituted meeting.

4. In carrying out the duties of the Accessions Committee under (3) above, the concurrence of three members is required.

5. Individual purchases of works of art for $10,000 or less, amounting in any fiscal year to no more than 20% of the annual National Museum of American Art purchase fund, may be made by the Director at his discretion and will be reported to the Commission at its next meeting. Gifts judged to be valued at $10,000 or less also may be accepted by the Director at his discretion and will be reported to the Commission at its next meeting.