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May 3, 1982

[[underlined]]SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS[[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]Report of the Executive Committee[[/underlined]]

On April 14, 1982 the Executive Committee discussed the agenda for the Regents' May 3 meeting. Mr. Hohenlohe outlined the financial reports and characterized the fiscal year's financial conditions as stable, noting the assistance provided by OMB's support for a partial pay supplemental and by the Institution's own belt-tightening. Mr. Hughes noted that the decision to restrict summer evening hours to the National Air and Space Museum and the Zoo was widely announced and received little criticism.

The Committee agreed with the Secretary's suggestion to invite members of the National Board of the Smithsonian Associates to the May Regents' Dinner and a portion of the meeting.

The expiration of Mr. Webb's term on June 21 was noted, and, in view of his past contributions and his continuing interests, it was

VOTED that, in accordance with section 2.08 of the Bylaws, the Board of Regents confers on James E. Webb the title of Regent Emeritus, with all the rights and responsibilities thereof.

The Committee recommended that Mr. Acheson be named to the Executive Committee vice Mr. Webb, and it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents elects David C. Acheson to membership on its Executive Committee, effective June 22, 1982.

The Executive Committee served as a search committee to recommend to the Regents a nominee for a Regent from the District of Columbia to replace Mr. Webb. After considering suggestions from the Secretary, the Regents, and the chairmen are of the Institution's authorizing committees in the Congress, the Committee unanimously recommended the nomination of Miss Nancy Hanks. After discussion the Regents adopted the following resolution:

VOTED that the Board of Regents requests the Congressional Regents to introduce and support legislation to appoint Nancy Hanks citizen Regent of the Smithsonian Institution for the statutory term of six years.

[[underlined]]James E. Webb Fellowships[[/underlined]]

In response to a poll conducted through the mails in April, it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents establishes the James E. Webb Fellowships for the promotion of excellence in the management of cultural and scientific not-for-profit institutions.