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[[Illustrations of flintlock musket and parts, 7 illustrations]]
F.1 [[image: right side view of gun showing cock, frizzen and trigger; wooden handle forward labeled M; small conical shape dangling on a chain labeled T]]
F.2. [image: bottom view of gun ]]
F.3 [image: appears to be a bayonet showing mounting lock at top]]
F.4 [[image: cutaway view of what appears to be the breech (left) with female screw threads; and the barrel (right) with male thread for attaching to the breech]]
F. 5 [[image: cutaway view showing inside of lock plate mechanism]]
F.6 [[image: side view of the lock plate showing the hammer (flint holder), frizzen, pan, pan  cover and frizzen spring]] 
[[Image - Size scale 0-6 pou]]
Échel pour les platines et de profil du canon
[[Image - Size scale 0-12]]
Échel pour les fusil monte

Transcription Notes:
mandc: F.2. bottom view is incorrect at it shows the cock (hammer) and frizzen mechanism on the left side of the guns lock plate, and other elements do not line up exactly or match the right-side view of the gun. Missing ramrod and ramrod case.