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says that business men of Idaho city "have handled bogus dust for the purpose of preying upon their fellow men."  It has been the current report here for over a week that Murphy sold some of the dust to business men in Idaho City for $8 per ounce.  Does anybody suppose they every paid it out at less than $16 per ounce?


CHINAMEN ROBBED.--On Saturday night last says the Sacramento [[italic]]Union[[/italic]] of December 15th, at a place called Teat's Flat, about five miles this side of Folsom on the American river, a company of Chinamen were called upon by a band of robbers and ordered to deliver up their valuables, which order they refused to obey.  The robbers then commenced shooting, and shot two of the Chinamen, but they were not dangerously wounded.  This so frightened the rest of them that they run away, leaving the robbers to help themselves, which they did and left.  On Thursday night the same Chinamen were again visited by a band of robbers, probably the same, and ordered to deliver.  The Chinamen had become somewhat desperate by this time at being called upon so often, and commenced shooting at the robbers, which [[missing due to cut page]]ed too not for them, causing them to take