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December 9, [[year cut off]]


The Western Union Telegraph Company's ship [[italics]] Nightingale [[/italics]] arrived at this port at 8 o'clock last night, and is now anchored off Meiggs' Wharf. This is the flag-ship of the expedition, and, by permission of the Treasury Department, carries the Revenue flag while under the command of Captain C.M. Scammon, of that service. Since leaving this port, July 11th, she has visited Plover Bay, Fort St. Michaels, in Norton Sound, and Petropolovski, Kamschatka, which port she left November 13th. The arrival of the steamer [[italics]] Geo. S. Wright [[/italics]], having on board Colonel Bulkley, whose arrival is expected during the coming week, will include all the vessels engaged during the past year in this telegraphic enterprise. The [[italics]] Nightingale [[/italics]] brings about twenty passengers, whose names will be found below, and the remains of the late Major R. Kennicott, [[italics]] en route [[/italics]] for Chicago. The work is reported as progressing more rapidly than could have been anticipated. Following is the [[italics]] Nightingale's [[/italics]]
[[bold]] Memoranda. [[/bold]]
The flagship [[italics]] Nightingale [[/italics]], of the Western Union Telegraph Expedition, Capt. C. M. Scammon, U.S. R.M. Chief of Marine, left San Francisco, Cal., July 11th, 1866, laden with telegraph material and stores, bound fro Plover Bay, East Siberia, and having on board, including ship's company and passengers, 120 souls. July 14th, at 8 bells, (12P.M.) H. H. Le Gare, of the Land Service, Western Union Telegraph Expedition, died of congestion of the brain, and was buried at sea July 15th. August 14th, arrived at Plover Bay, East Siberia; found the W.U.T.Co.'s barque [[italics]] H.L. Rutgers [[/italics]], Capt. M. Anderson at anchor, having arrived from Sea beck, W.T., August 12th. The following vessels arrived at Plover Bay during our stay, viz.: W.U.T.' Co.'s Exploring steamer [[italics]] Geo. S. Wright [[/italics]], Capt. J.W. Patterson, from Petropolovski, Kamschatka, having on board: Col. Chas. S. Bulkley, Engineer-in Chief of the W.U.T. Expedition; W.U.T.Co.'s barque [[italics]] Golden Gate [[/italics]], Capt. T.C. Harding, Hawaiian brig [[italics]] Victoria [[/italics]], Capt. M. Fish, in distress, having lost her rudder, etc., in the ice; American brig [[italics]] Manuella [[/italics]], Capt. Redfield; British barque [[italics]] Evelyn Wood [[/italics]], from London with telegraph cable for the W.U.T. Expedition. September 20th, left Plover Bay, bound for Nicolaeski (head of Norton Sound, Russian Possessions); September 24th, arrived off Nicolaeski; left October 1st, bound for Plover Bay; October 5th, spoke the barque [[italics]] Harrison [[/italics]], Capt. Condy, bound for San Francisco; October 11th, arrived at Plover Bay, East Siberia; passed the brig [[italics]] Manuella [[/italics]], bound out, as we entered the heads; October 12th, whaling barque [[italics]] Martha [[/italics]], Capt. Thomas, left Plover Bay, bound for San Francisco - was towed outside the sand-spit by W.U.T.Co.'s steamer [[italics]] Geo. S. Wright [[/italics]]; October 15th, left Plover Bay, bound for Petropolovski, Kamschatka; arrived there November 7th - found the American bark [[italics]] J.W. Seaver [[/italics]], Capt. Snow, at anchor in the outer harbor; November 12th, barque [[italics]] J.W. Seaver [[/italics]], Snow, left for San Francisco; November 13th, sailed from Petropolovski, Kamschatka, bound for San Francisco, California; arrived December 8th.
[[bold]] Officers. [[/bold]]
Captain C.M. Scammon, U.S.R.S., Chief of Marine W.U. Telegraph Co.'s Expedition; Lieutenants John O. Norton, First Officer; Jas. Doyle, Second Officer; W.S. Bowne, Third Officer; C.M. Davis, First Master's Mate; Geo. S. Ritchie, Second Master's Mate; George Sawyer, Boatswain; T.T. Lloyd Jones, Gunner; Lieutenant James J. Black, Secretary to Chief of Marine.
[[bold]] Passengers. [[/bold]]
[[two column list]]
[[right column]]
Major Geo. M. Wright,
R. Chappel, Chief Quarter Master,
L. Hartmeyer,
C.H. Ryder,
A.I. Finley,
T. Grob,
P. Kearny,
H.B. Bannister,
Jno. Gordon,
Jos. T. Wright,
[[/right column]]
[[left column]]
Adjutant Major Scott,
Dr. H.P. Fisher, Surgeon-in-Chief,
R.M. Field,
Chas. Place,
D. Allie,
R. Cotter,
W. Palmer,
W. Murray,
Jas. Y. Smith,
Elia Rosefnekoff,
[[/left column, /columns]]
N. Fletcher.