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Markova N.E. Siberia
June 4th 1867.

Capt. R. J. Bush


My last report to you gave an account of the progress of the work at the Myan Station to March 10th.  On the 13th of the same month, the weather having cleared up, which had been stormy for a week previous, Mr Frost moved up to the slew on the Olgan with his four constructors, and on the same day Mr Norton started out with his party of six, cutting and distributing poles on the Myan Section. I divided with Mr Norton my provisions which gave each party ten days rations of hard bread, tea 25 # Bacon, and two deer each, which you sent down at this time from Crepast.

Before going to work cutting poles, Mr Frost constructed a small cabin 15 feet square, as the weather was too severe for camping out, the mean temperature of the nights being below 30° as far as I could judge without a Thermometer.

In order to forward the work as much as possible I sent Frank to cook for Mr Frost's party, and Mr Baxter and myself brought in wood and water, and cooked for ourselves. The snow in the timber was from 4 to 5 feet deep, and as the men were without snow shoes 2/3 of their time was occupied in passing from one tree to another,