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the sleds, as soon as they should arrive from Ghijigha. After this no work was done. Mr Frosts party had cut two hundred and fifty poles at the Myau station, and 1900 at his camp on the Olgan. These with what we cut last year and with those Mr Norton cut before my arrival amount to nearly 5,000 poles. Mr Frost also made 6 good sweeps 30 feet long, and a good boat to accompany the raft. The boat is light and will admirably answer for setting fish nets &c. There should be one with each raft. Mr. Norton, Baxter and myself kept the traps we had made in order, and with what game we caught in them, and some game Illia and Constantine gave us, we got enough to eat, using 1# flour at a ration. at this time a large herd of deer passed near Mr Frosts camp, and he killed three of them. They were however like those we received from Peujina, small poor, and without grease, not fit to eat except in the absence of all other meat. I had made calculation for my provisions to hold out until the 1st of May at which time I expected to receive supplies from Ghijigha, for two reasons. First because I knew you would hurry the sleds back, and secondly, the men from Markova and Crepast expected to spend their Easter Sunday at home, which would be the 28th of April

The first of May the weather had become very warm, and the snow was melting rapidly. The birds left the rivers for the tunderas, and our rabbit traps upon which we relied for meat, began to fail.