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tract situated near York, Pennsylvania. The Smithsonian is consequently a part owner, together with three other individuals, in this land and steps are being taken to offer the property for sale, jointly with the other owners. Given a depressed real estate market, an immediate sale is not expected; eventual proceeds will accrue to endowment and should total around $200,000. 

[[underlined]] Mustang Island [[/underlined]]: Since 1951 the Institution has held interest to several undeveloped lots in the vicinity of Corpus Christi, Texas, contributed by Charles Dykes toward endowment. The property has been considered of minimal value, and efforts had not been taken to sell. In response, however, to an inquiry from a San Antonio businessman, an appraisal is being obtained of the market value of the land, and a sale will be concluded if the appraised value (estimated at approximately $13,000) can be met. Proceeds will be placed in the Dykes Endowment. 

[[underlined]] Poplar and Jefferson Islands [[/underlined]]: The Smithsonian acquired Poplar and Jefferson Islands by gift in 1966 and 1971 respectively; the islands have been used by the CBCES for research and educational projects. Despite extensive bulkheading efforts, the action of tides and adverse weather, however, are inexorably consuming the islands, which once formed a much larger single island ten times the present size. In order to salvage what value this property still retains, it is intended that the islands be offered for sale at or above appraised value ($65,000) and in coordination with the offer of a nearby island (part of the original landmass) by its owner. Funds realized from the sale will be restricted to support of the Chesapeake Bay Center.