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Source & Application of Funds  
Budget FY 1982
(Excluding Foreign Currency Program)

Schedule B
[7 column table]]

[[double-underlined]] OPERATING FUNDS [[/double-underlined]] | Federal Approps. | Federal Gr.& Cont. | Unrest. Trust Funds | Restricted Trust Fds. | Total Op. Funds
  |   |   | General | Sp. Purp.

[[underlined]] Funds Provided: [[/underlined]]
Federal Appropriation | 128,470* | - | - | - | - | 128,470
Investments | - | - | 2,840 | 550 | 2,6y00 | 5,990
Gifts, Grants & Contracts | - | 15,613 | 50 | 60 | 2,500 | 18,223
Self-generated - Gross Rev.
Auxiliary Acts. (Sched. F) | - | - | 89,625 | - | - | 89,625
Bureaux (Sched. G) | - | - | - | 2,794 | - | 2,794
Other Misc. | - | - | 50 | 880 | 847 | 1,777
Total Income | 128,470 | 15,613 | 92,565 | 4,284 | 5,947 | 246,879
Less Expenses - Self Gener.
Auxiliary Acts. (Sched. F) | - | - | (81,470) | - | - | (81,470)
Bureaux (Sched. G) | - | - | - | (2,108) | - | (2,108)
Net Funds Provided | 128,470 | 15,613 | 11,095 | 2,176 | 5,947 | 163,301

[[underlined]] Funds Applied: [[/underlined]] (Net)
Science | 43,589 | 15,388 | 2,945 | 1,193 | 1,716 | 64,831
Less:  SAO O/H Recovery | - | - | (2,693) | - | - | (2,693)
History & Art | 20,410 | 110 | 637 | 798 | 4,259 | 26,214
Public Service | 2,630 | 5 | 777 | 1 | 30 | 3,443
Museum Programs | 7,588 | - | 303 | 2 | 365 | 8,258
Special Programs | 7,863 | 110 | 64 | 3,688 | 91 | 12,392
Associates Pgms/Bus.Mgmt. | - | - | 324 | 29 | 40 | 393
Administration - SI | 9,123 | - | 5,805 | 152 | 9 | 15,159
Less:  SI O/H Recovery | - | - | (5,200) | - | - | (5,200)
Facilities Services | 37,452 | - | 1,046 | 15 | - | 38,513
Total Funds Applied | [[double-underlined]] 128,65 | 15,613 | 4,584 | 5,878 | 6,580 | 161,310 [[/double-underlined]]

[[underlined]] Transfers: [[/underlined]] Out (In)
Current Funds
-Bureau Revenue Sharing | - | - | 355 | (355) | - | -
-NASM Theatre | - | - | (327) | 327 | - | -
-Fellowships | - | - | 1,122 | (1,122) | - | -
-Special Programs | - | - | 2,200 | (2,200) | - | -
-Other | - | - | 150 | (150) | - | -
Plant Funds | - | - | 1,000 | 25 | - | 1,025
Endowment Funds | - | - | 2,021 | - | 100 | 2,121
Total Transfers | [[double-underlined]] - | 405 | 5,043 | 12,362 | 4,813 | 22,623 [[double-underlined]] [[/table]]

[[table, 3 columns]]
[[double-underlined]] CONSTRUCTION FUNDS [[/double-underlined]] | [[underlined]] Federal Appropriations | Nonfederal Funds [[/underlined]]
National Zoological Park | 1,104 | -
Restoration & Renovation of Bldgs. | 7,680 | -
Quadrangle | 960 | 1,000
Museum of African Art Mortgage Payments | [[underlined]] - | 25 [[/underlined]]
  | [[double-underlined]] 9,744 | 1,025 [[/double-underlined]]

*Does not include supplemental appropriation of $2,700 thousand for FY 1982 legislated pay raises.
**Expenditure  of funds for FDR Centennial carried forward from FY 1981.