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[[underlined] Federal Salaries and Expenses [[/underlined]]

[[table, 4 columns]]
 | [[underlined]]  FY 1984 [[/underlined]]
 | [[underlined]] Projected in January 1982 | Being Submitted to OMB | Projected FY 1988 1/ [[/underlined]]

Science | $ 54,548 | $ 48,474 | $ 56,057
History & Art | 26,042 | 22,545 | 30,445
Public Service | 3,238 | 2,994 | 3,060
Museum Programs | 11,922 | 9,289 | 12,528
Special Programs | 12,155 | 11,575 | 10,620
  Financial &
  Support Services | 11,332 | 10,308 | 11,872
Facilities Services | 47,931 | 45,899 | 58,098
Necessary Pay &
  Inflation [[/underlined]] 1/ | 4,100 | 3,414 | - [[underlined]]
 | $171,268 | $154,498 | $182,680 [[/table]]

[[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]/ Inflation amounts for utilities and property rentals are included in Facilities Services.  Projected FY 1988 levels of operation do not contain estimates for necessary pay, legislated pay increases or the effects of inflation (except utilities and rent).  Amounts will be incorporated when further instructions are received from OMB.

The projected increase from FY 1984 to FY 1988 of approximately $28,000,000 contains amounts for utilities and rent to cover expected continued rate increases for steam, electricity, natural gas and space rentals.  Of the institutional projected increase, utilities and rent represent $8,500,000 or about 30% of additional requirements.

Another $7,500,000 approximately, or about 27% of the projected increase, relates to operating costs associated with completion of the Quadrangle project.  These projections largely are to cover necessary additions to the guard force, maintenance and upkeep of the facility, and expanded activities of the Sackler Gallery and Museum of African Art. Revisions to the estimates will be made as operating plans become firmer, and as the effects of inflation can be incorporated based on instructions from OMB.