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Chesapeake Bay Center in FY 1986 and a new museum building for the Anacostia Neighborhood Museum in FY 1988. Preliminary planning for these facilities will continue in FY 1983 and 1984 to develop more detailed information. 

As discussed in earlier editions of the Prospectus, the Institution leases in the Washington area two major installations for the administrative and light industrial purposes. By FY 1984, the leases at 1111 North Capitol Street and L'Enfant Plaza will be costing about $1,000,000 each. With the expectation that both the Museum Support Center and the Quandrangle building will be available over the next several years, the Institution is examining closely its space requirements, including its utilization of these new buildings, present Mall space, and leased facilities. The review will cover alternatives for accommodating present leased space requirements into institutionally owned buildings, including possibilities of acquiring additional Smithsonian-owned building space. 

[[underlined]] Future Year Forecast [[/underlined]]

In looking ahead from FY 1988 to FY 1995, the Prospectus highlights the Institution's multinational character and potential for greater involvement as a focus for the activities of American overseas research centers. While exhibits will continue to highlight historical events important to the development of the nation, of man and his culture, increasingly the exhibition programs of the Institution also will take on more of an international flavor. Longer-range research programs to be enhanced include archaeometry, anthropological disciplines, and expanded species conservation and propagation programs. Collections management will be another priority, with special emphasis on inventory, security, and information systems; conservation and preservation activities; and loan processing arrangements.