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[[underlined]] Quadrangle [[/underlined]]

The Secretary invited Messrs. George Brakeley and Richard Stainbrook of Brakeley, John Price Jones, Inc., and the Director of the Office of Membership and Development, Mr. James McK. Symington, to join the meeting for the Regents' review of the Quadrangle.
Highlighting the report circulated in advance of the meeting, the Secretary stated that on August 30 and 31, and September 1, Smithsonian and General Services Administration staff met with the architect in Boston to conduct a review of the intermediate working plans which represent contractually 50 percent completion of the working drawing phase of design and specifications. Final plans will be completed by November 15, and following reviews and printing, construction bids will be solicited by early January. 

He added that three separate design and bid packages are being prepared for bid solicitation on October 1, 1982, or as soon thereafter as receipt of a construction appropriation is assured. The contracts include constructing a fence around the construction site, removal of existing landscape material and relocation of all utility lines within the excavation site. This work is estimated to cost about $2 million. The Institution is seeking to complete this work prior to start of construction because it is estimated to reduce construction time by about three months and reduce escalation costs by about $1.5 million. 

The Secretary presented final site and building plans for approval to the Commission of Fine Arts on September 14 and will present the same to the National Capital Planning Commission on October 7. The Fine Arts Commission gave general approval to the building plans but has asked for further study of landscaping details.