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While the General Services Administration advises that the target date for an award is September 10, efforts will be made to advance that schedule.  Meanwhile, development of performance specifications for the storage equipment for other kinds of collections is proceeding, and these specifications are scheduled to be available for bidding in January 1983.

A substantial quantity of the equipment required for the laboratories and work areas of the Museum Support Center was purchased in FY 1982 through the Institution's Office of Supply Services.  My mid-August, virtually all funds appropriated and budgeted for these purposes had been obligated and some of the equipment had been delivered.

[[underlined]] Inventory [[/underlined]]

The Collections of Inventory Program has been proceeding steadily, with some acceleration of effort occurring in August, particularly in the National Museums of Natural History and of American History which have the largest collections and the most complex inventory problems.  The target date for completion of the first inventory cycle remains June 1983, and all procedures continue to be reviewed to assure that resources are effectively applied to enable the museums to meet that date.

The following table summarizes the status of the inventory in individual museums in mid-August 1982.

[[underlined]] Status Report on Collection Inventories [[/underlined]]
August 1982

AfA - 71%
Cooper-Hewitt - 89%
Freer - 100%
HMSG - 100%
NASM - 71%
NMAA - 79%
NMAH - 69%
NMNH - 72%
NPG - 100%
NZP - 100%