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amendment incorporating the House-passed language on May 26, and the Senate approved the measure on June ninth. 
The President signed P.L. 97-199 into law on June 22, 1982. 

[[underlined]] National Museum Act [[/underlined]]

H.R. 6089, a bill to extend the authorization for appropriations under the National Museum Act, was introduced by the House Regents on April 6 and referred to the Committee on House Administration. 

A companion bill, S. 2390, was introduced by Senators Jackson and Goldwater April 15. The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration held a hearing on the measure April 20 and reported it favorably with technical amendments on May 26. The Senate considered and passed the bill on June ninth. 

[[underlined]] Appointment to the Board of Regents [[/underlined]]

Senator Goldwater, for himself, Senator Garn, and Senator Jackson, introduced S.J.Res. 194, providing for the appointment of Nancy Hanks as a citizen Regent, on May Fourth. The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration reported the resolution favorably on May 26; it was approved by the Senate on June ninth. 

A companion measure, H.R. 6253, was introduced on May third by Mr. Boland and referred to the Committee on House Administration. On August fourth the Committee considered the Senate resolution; it filed a report in its favor on August 13. 

[[underlined]] International Exchange Service [[/underlined]]

The Government Printing Office has proposed language for incorporation into the FY 1983 Legislative Branch appropriations bill to resolve the issue of the international distribution of government documents.