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Prospectus is prepared and submitted to the Regents for initial consideration in September of each year. Following the Regents' approval of the forthcoming budgets in September, and the review in October or November by the Office of Management and Budget of the Institution's federal budget request, the Prospectus is adjusted and prepared for approval by the Regents at their January meeting. If approved, it is distributed to the Institutions's various Congressional committees at about the same time as the request for Congressional appropriations. 

The Prospectus represents a summary of the areas that will be given priority and emphasis over the next five years and contains a chapter which describes some of the Institution's longer-range facility and operating objectives, projecting various activities ahead to about FY 1995. The Prospectus should be read in conjunction with another publication, the [[underline]] Smithsonian Institution's Programs and Activities [[/underline]], which provides background information on the programs of each of the Institution's operating activities. The content presented here is arranged by the major organization grouping of the Institution and corresponds to the assembly of the FY 1984 budget which will be presented to the Congress; i.e., Science, History and Art, Public Service, and Museum Programs, with separate sections treating Special Programs, Associates Programs, Business Management Activities, and administrative and facilities development plans. Several items discussed in the text, along with the financial figures for FY 1984, complement the Institution's budget submission to the Office of Management and Budget, and also appear in that document. 

The Prospectus reflects needs and opportunities that the Smithsonian has described before. It emphasizes selected aspects of the Institution's work while assuring that others will continue at approximately the present level of activity. Areas of emphasis include collections management, security of collections and other property, automation of records and systems where possible, basic research, exhibition programs, administrative and technical support, the maintenance of current facilities, the completion of most work for the Zoological Park at Rock Creek and the Front Royal Conservation Center, and the successful establishment of Quadrangle facilities. The Museum Support Center, now under construction at Suitland, is scheduled for completion January 1983, and the Institution continues to seek appropriate operating and equipment purchase resources for the activities to be housed there. These resources appear in Table 7 and in the Special Programs chapter. 

In addition, through its trust operations, the Institution will continue to concentrate on ways to develop quality educational products for the visiting public and Associate programs, sustain growth in endowment reserves, supplement important programs such as collections acquisitions, fellowships, tours, selected research investigations, conferences, and