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projected as a result of the Center's designation as a National Estuarine Sanctuary.  It is anticipated that funds will be available from the State of Maryland to construct a joint-use education center for the Sanctuary which may be completed in FY 1984.  In addition, fund-raising efforts will be directed towards providing field tours and to assembling a slide presentation to introduce visitors to basic principles of estuarine ecology.  A small computer-based exhibit is also planned.  Over the next five years, the Center also expects to expand its educational research activities with the assistance of outside funds, particularly the publication and dissemination of current studies on how informal educational institutions can improve the utilization of their facilities for public purposes.  Some professional staff additions will be sought during the planning period for this program over the next several years.

The Center has accomplished the first and second phases of its six-phase plan for facilities development and the third phase, a combined laboratory and office building, is now being planned.  Construction funds will be sought for this facility and for a new access road into the Center's grounds.  A master plan for water and sewer upgrading is expected to be completed in FY 1983.  More information on planned facilities is contained in the Facilities chapter of this document.

[[underlined]] Zoological Park [[/underlined]].  Over the planning period, construction of exhibit facilities related to the Master Plan will near completion.  In FY 1983, the Small Mammal Monkey Island exhibit will open to the public.  In FY 1985, construction is scheduled to begin on the Entranceway and Olmsted Walk Exhibits.  This latter project will provide a number of small exhibits along the walk to bridge the gaps between the larger animal facilities.  The Health and Research Hill project is scheduled for construction in 1986 and will provide for the complete modernization of the Rock Creek animal health facilities, along with renovation of the Holt House.  The construction of the Parking Facilities, scheduled to begin in FY 1987, will allow us to centralize parking for the Zoo visitor.  The Aquatic Habitat Exhibit is to be the final animal facility constructed under the Rock Creek Master Plan and will be deferred during the present planning period.

The Zoo will continue to develop long-term programs in the areas of zoological and biomedical research and genetic studies.  Field activities in selected neotropical sites will continue to study the differences and similarities in ecosystems.  These studies emphasize the behavioral ecology of wildlife, population dynamics and inbreeding in natural populations.  To support the expanding research efforts during the planning period, the Zoo plans to strengthen its computer systems and usage.  New equipment will allow for the fast and accurate manipulation of data.