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[[table, 5 columns]]
   | [[underlined]] FY 1982
 | Federal S&E | Trust Funds [[/underlined]]
 | Full-Time | Funds | Full-Time | Funds
[[underlined]] Subgroups | Employment | ($000s) | Employment | ($000s) [[/underlined]]

Central Management Offices | 41 | $1,578 | 24 | $1,666
Specialized Administrative
  and Technical Offices | 221 | 7,721 | 138 | 4,401
Facilities Offices | [[underlined]] 975 | 36,859 | 13 | 1,198 [[/underlined]]

Total | 1,237 | $46,158 | 175 | $7,265 [[/table]]

Unrestricted trust funds are allotted to the management and support units to achieve an appropriate balance of federal appropriation and trust fund support in these units, since they serve the entire Institution.  Primarily, these funds are used for personnel who perform assignments similar to those of staff paid from appropriated funds.  Several support units administer unrestricted trust funds for more specialized purposes.  The Office of Printing and Photographic Services receives income from the sale of photographic materials to the public.  The computer center of the Office of Information Resource management and the audiovisual unit of the Office of Plant Services operate on a cost recovery basis by charging users for the services provided.

[[underlineD]]Future Year Prospectus[[/underlinedD]]

Major emphases of the [[underlined]]central management offices[[/underlined]] will be the realization of the Quadrangle project; the strengthening of the Institution's equal opportunity and affirmative action programs; and the supervision of the administrative and support frunctions to assure their responsiveness to the needs of the research, collections management, and public education functions.  continued strong attention will be given to legal oversight of and counseling on the Smithsonian's programs and improvement of financial management, accounting, monitoring, reporting, and auditing systems.  Information concerning research, exhibitions, and other activities will be provided to the public in informative and interesting ways and the Office of Management and Budget and Congress will be kept advised of institutional programs and progress.  Programs for building repairs, improvements and security and to employee and visitor health and safety will be sustained.  No major changes to the resource levels of the central management offices are projected for the period of FY 1984-1988.  These resources, consisting in FY 1982 of $3,244,000 and 65 positions in the appropriated and nonappropriated funds budgets, are projected to increase to $5,006,000 and 67 positions by FY 1988, a growth of $1,762,000 and 2 positions.  The anticipated higher expenditures are primarily attributable to incorporating into the trust projections the higher costs of personnel and inflation.