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employee handbooks. Equal opportunity and affirmative action efforts will encourage a closer partnership among hiring units, personnel and equal opportunity offices to help the recruitment of qualified women and minority persons, upward mobility of Smithsonian employees, and programs of training and internship. Employment opportunities and programs accessibility for handicapped persons will be emphasized. Benefit programs for trust employees will be reviewed for possible changes. Pay and classification reform legislation, if enacted, will be implemented. New labor-management contracts will be implemented through training and cooperative relationships.

Photographic Services emphasis will be given to photodocumentation of collection items as part of the inventory process with special attention to stamps, coins, currency and other high value items. The recently completed cold storage facility for the negative library will be used and expanded for long-term presentation of research and reference materials. A photographic facility at the Museum Support Center will be made operational. Work will proceed, in collaboration with program offices and the safety division, to identify, copy and eliminate nitrate negatives from photographic collections throughout the Institution. A new system for cataloguing negatives developed with the assistance of archival and computer personnel is being implemented and will provide a valuable research tool for staff and the public. A color print processing capability will be established partially for the production of otherwise commercially expensive murals. Upgrading of printing and duplicating equipment is planned.

The [[underlined]]facilities offices'[[/underlined]] resources, totaling $38,057,000 and 988 positions in FY 1982 will grow to $58,101,000 and 1,253 positions by FY 1988. Most of this growth is attributable to rising utility costs and to staffing and equipment resources needed to strengthen the security function. Resources for the operation, maintenance and protection of the Museum Support Center and for the Quadrangle development project also will be required by the facilities offices. Institutional Museum Support Center needs are reflected in Table 7 included in the Special Programs Section, and Quadrangle requirements are presented in Table 13.

The Design and Construction staff, which provides professional architectural, engineering and related administrative services, will increase attention to the development of long-range maintenance, repair and improvement programs for all the Institution's facilities. The planning, estimating, and budgeting function continues to assume greater importance as increasing resources are devoted to the Construction and Restoration and Renovation of Building accounts. The growth in workload reflects the Institution's priority of adequate maintenance for an aging physical plant, of upgrading fire protection systems, of building modifications to improve access for the disabled and to correct unsafe conditions, and of