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from donations and gifts. The Institution has received a private donation to pursue concept planning, including design schematics and other engineering analyses. It is too early to make judgments on the ultimate configuration, dimensional possibilities, and potential construction timetable. 

[[underline]] Mall Site. [[/underline]]  The property bounded by Third Street, Maryland Avenue, Fourth Street, and Jefferson Drive has been reserved by Congress for the future public use of the Smithsonian (P.L. 96-74, approved August 8, 1975). There are currently no plans for the development of this site, but the Institution will continue to consider potential use of the land for establishing a last major Smithsonian Mall museum before the turn of the century.  In the meantime, it is expected that the site will continue to be used for temporary exhibitions and other purposes by federal and other organizations.  

[[underline]] Mall Visitor Access. [[/underline]]  The Institution will continue during the present five-year cycle and beyond to improve visitor access to all Mall museums and monuments.  This includes enhancing present public transportation to and around the downtown areas and, in the foreseeable future, providing adequate parking for visitors who will drive to the Mall area.  This last concern encompasses attempts to increase capacity of current Mall resources by making available on weekends current government parking, and planning for additional Mall parking underground.