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for a portion of the new fiscal year.  Net income from Unrestricted General Trust funds is expected to total $12,237,000 in FY 1983, an increase of $720,000, due primarily to improved performance in certain of the auxiliary activities.  As in the past two years, program growth and administrative costs have been held to a minimum.

The Collections Acquisition, Scholarly Studies, and Educational Outreach Program has been approved for a second five-year period at an annual level of $2.2 million, an increase of $200,000 above the previous funding level.  This increase will allow some expansion for research and education outreach projects and will expand the collections acquisitions program to include the Cooper-Hewitt Museum.  Transfers for the Quadrangle construction and fellowship programs will increase by almost $600,000.

Special purpose revenue and expenditure levels will remain approximately the same as projected for FY 1982.  Of the proceeds anticipated from the sale of the Belmont Conference Center, $1,750,000 is committed to construction of the Museum Support Center, and $250,000 will be transferred to special purpose funds to establish the James E. Webb Fellowship Fund.  Income to Restricted Purpose Trust Funds is projected to increase by over $700,000, primarily a result of substantial gifts anticipated for exhibition production and collections acquisition.  Federal Grants and Contracts will remain at approximately the same level ($13 million) as in FY 1982.  The following motions were approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the revised budget of appropriated funds for FY 1983 and authorizes the Secretary to expend FY 1983 Federal appropriations in accordance therewith [and as approved by the President on ____________P.L.__________.]

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the budget of the nonappropriated funds for FY 1983 as presented, and authorizes expenditures by the Secretary in accordance therewith; any material changes in program plans incorporated in the budget, together with any changes of more than 10% or $250,000 in any general unrestricted fund line item or in the total administrative expenditures, shall be made only with approval of the Board of Regents or its Executive Committee.

[[underlined]]FY 1984:[[/underlined]]  A request for Federal appropriations totaling $178,653,000 was reviewed and approved for submission to OMB.  Increases over amounts pending before Congress in FY 1983 include some $10 million for salaries and expenses, $5 million for renovation and repair of Smithsonian facilities, including those of the National Zoological Park, and $7 million equivalent in excess foreign currencies.  Preliminary estimates for FY 1984 reflect only a modest increase of approximately $300,000 in net income from nonappropriated trust fund activities with a more substantial increase of $1.4 million in Federal Grants and Contracts, primarily for research activities of the Smithsonian Astrophysical