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To [[underlined]]Frank M. Chapman[[/underlined]], American Museum of Natural History, New York City - five skins of [[underlined]]Ictinia plumbea[[/underlined]] and one of [[underlined]]I. mississippiensis[[/underlined]]. (Lent for identification.)

To [[underlined]]Prof. Cheeseman,[[/underlined]] Auckland Museum, Aukland, New Zealand.- Ten specimens, seven species, North American Raptores. (Exchange.)

[[underlined]]Minor routine work[[/underlined]].

Official letters written......35
" [[ditto for Official]]  memoranda   " [[ditto for written]]   ......17

Transcription Notes:
Raptores = Raptors? Raptores is probably correct. As the Merriam-Webser Dictionary indicates: Definition of Raptores in former classifications: an order of birds comprising Falconiformes and Strigiformes of current usage and including all the birds of prey