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[[underline]] Sent for identification [[/underline]] 

To [[underline]] William Brewster [[/underline]], Cambridge, Mass. - 39 specimens (20 species), chiefly from Lower California.

To [[underline]] Chas. B. Cory [[/underline]], Boston, Mass. - 22 specimens (5 species), chiefly from the Bahamas.

To [[underline]] G.W. Ragsdale, [[/underline]]  Gainesville, Texas. - 2 specimens of [[underline]] Chondestes grammacus [[/underline]]  and [[underline]] C. g. strigatus [[/underline]]. 

[[underline]] Minor routine work [[/underline]] 

Official letters written .. 27
" [[ditto for Official]] memoranda " [[ditto for written]] .. 18
Requisitions ("outside") .. 1
" [[ditto for Requisitions]] ("house") " [[ditto for written]] .. 4