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^[[check mark]]
From [[underlined]] P.L. Jouy [[/underlined]], Tucson, Arizona. - 26 specimens (11 species), from Tucson, Arizona, and Guaymas, Sonora. ([[underlined]] Collected for the Museum [[/underlined]] .) 

From the [[underlined]] Museo Nacional de Costa Rica [[/underlined]] (through Anastasio Alfaro, Director). - The unique type specimen of a new species of Whipporwill [[underlined]] (Antrostomus rufomaculatus Ridgw. [[/underlined]]), from the volcano of Irazu, Costa Rica. ([[underlined]] Gift. [[/underlined]])

^[[check mark]] From [[underlined]] Erich Wittkugel [/underlined]], San Pedro Sula, Honduras. - 194 specimens (86 species) from the interior of Honduras. ([[underlined]] Purchased. [[/underlined]])

[[underlined]] Specimens distributed. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Sent for examination. [[/underlined]]

To [[underlined]] Frank M. Chapman, [[/underlined]] American Museum Nat. Hist., New York City. - 161 specimens of