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Museum. ([[underlined]] Purchased [[/underlined]].).

From [[underlined]] P. L. Jouy [[/underlined]], Tucson, Arizona. - 30 specimens (17 species), from Arizona. (Collected for the Museum.).

From [[underlined]] P. L. Jouy, [[/underlined]] National Museum. - 30 specimens (10 species), from mountains of North Carolina; 45 specimens from Tucson, Arizona, and Guaymas, Mexico. (Collected for the Museum.).

From [[underlined]] W. C. Kendall [[/underlined]]. U.S. Fish Commission. - 30 specimens (26 species), from South Carolina ([[underlined]] Gift [[/underlined]].)

From [[underlined]] R. McFarlane [[/underlined]], Chief Factor Hudson's Bay Company. - 62 specimens (40 species), from Moose Fork and Cumberland House. Hudson's Bay Terr. ([[underlined]] Gift.[[/underlined]])

Dr. [[underlined]] Edgar A. Mearne, U.S.A. [[/underlined]], Fort Snelling,