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Two specimens ([[underlined]] Pipra aurocapilla [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] P. coronata [[/underlined]]) from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil, and one specimen ([[underlined]] Bubo virginiansus subarcticus [[/underlined]]) from New Mexico. ([[underlined]] Gift. [[/underlined]])

From [[underlined]] William G. Smith [[/underlined]], Loveland, Col.- one specimen of the rare Flammulated Screech Owl ([[underlined]] Megascops flammeolus [[/underlined]]), from Colorado. ([[underlined]] Purchased. [[/underlined]]) Two specimens of Swainson's Hawk ([[underlined]] Buteo swainsoni [[/underlined]]), downy young, new to collection, ([[underlined]] Gift [[/underlined]])

From [[underlined]] Frank W. Sparks [[/underlined]], St Louis, Mo.- One mounted Fulvous Tree-duck ([[underlined]] Dendrocygna fulva [[/underlined]]), shot at New Madrid, Mo. ([[underlined]] Gift. [[/underlined]])

From [[underlined]] L. Stejneger [[/underlined]], National Museum. - 12 specimens, 9 species, from Arizona. (Collected in 1889 for the Museum.)

From [[underlined]] William Warren [[/underlined]], Salem, Oregon. -